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What is S.O.S.

SOS stands for Serving Our Schools. Each year, the First United Methodist Church of San Benito helps a local elementary school with school supplies, uniforms, and support. Our SOS ministry team organizes donation drives at the church and delivers the haul before the start of the new school year. They continue the support throughout the year with more deliveries and in other ways. Some have even held positions on the school community groups. 


For the past few years, FUMCSB supported Landrum Elementary. The 2018 school year brought changes to the layout of the San Benito CISD which affected Landrum Elem. directly. For the 2018-19 year, FUMCSB has selected La Encantada Elementary as our 'adopted campus'. Our donations and efforts will go towards the staff and students of La Encantada all year. 


We accept donations year round for SOS. If you would like to donate supplies bring them by Sunday mornings during worship or to the church office during the week, 9:30 am to 12 pm. Every cent of all SOS monetary donations go towards the purchase of school uniforms and items like student awards and/or staff appreciation gifts.


Please keep our local school district and the SOS ministry and its team members in your prayers!

The SOS  ministry has been headed up by Mr. & Mrs. Glen and Virginia Hindman. They have led the ministry in providing a means and opportunity for a 'buddy bench', incentive bikes for students, and more. They are stepping down as the leadership of SOS but will continue to support it as they are able. Thank you, Glen and Virginia HIndman for your dedicated service to our students and SOS!

How are we helping the older kids?

2017 marked the first year we were able to help the older students of San Benito High School in a way we never had. We were asked for supplies specifically dealing with the class projects students are required to do throughout the year. Projects could range from designs on poster board to 3-dimensional models. Each project requires its own set of supplies and not all students are able to supply their own. SOS was able to assist in this for 2017 and hope to continue throughout 2018 and beyond.



Please consider the following items and the older students they will be going to...

  • poster boards (either whiter or multiple colors)

  • markers- wide or thin

  • colored pens (rolling ball or ink)

  • color pencils (map colors)

  • permanent markers (black and color)

  • glue guns and glue sticks

  • popsicle sticks

  • paint kits (acrylic or 'poster paints')

  • paintbrushes

  • graph paper

  • construction paper

  • glue sticks

  • foam boards (white and color)

  • tri-fold presenation boards

  • glitter


Donations may be brought to the church Sunday mornings or to the church office weekday mornings between 9:30 am and 12 pm. Please make sure any supplies are designated as "PROJECT SUPPLIES" to prevent them from being taken to the elementary school as a school supply donation.

First United Methodist Church of San Benito

First United Methodist Church of San Benito

400 N. Sam Houston Blvd.

San Benito, TX 78586


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© 2018 First United Methodist Church of San Benito.

Site design by Artworx Unlimited.

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