Sunday School starts at 9:15
We are blessed to offer several choices when it comes to Sunday School classes.
We have an adult class that meets in the church parlor. They use a seasonal curriculum for study and discussion.
Newest in our class schedule is the 'Newcomers' class. It started out as a 'new to Christ' class but has evolved into a intergenerational group on utilizing Christian teaching in everyday life covering all stages of the Christian journey. This class meets in the Fellowship Hall.
For 6th graders and teens there is a youth class on the second floor. Once a month this group joins the Newcomers class for study.
There is a childrens class on the second floor for children from 3 years old to 5th grade.
There are no classes taking place during worship. Everyone of all ages is welcome in the sanctuary for the service.

Worship starts at 10:30 am
Worship takes place in the main sanctuary of the church.
Our worship service could be considered 'traditional lite'. Although there is a liturgical order of worship that we follow, the flow is relaxed and casual.
We use both a traditional and a more contemporary hymnal. Some music is played on a Kilgan pipe organ and some on a piano. Special music accompaniments are sometimes played on CD.
Our choirs sing anything from classic hymns to gospel music and modern arrangements. Both our organist/pianist and Music/Choir Director are working music professionals.
Some folks dress in suits and dresses while others come in shorts and shirts on any given Sunday. We're not concerned how you're dressed when you're here.

Special Services
Throughout the year there are special Sunday services. Also, during the holidays there may be special services during the week.
Every first Sunday Holy Communion is served.
Every third Sunday of the month is Harvest Sunday where non-perishable food is donated and given to the San Benito Food Pantry.
Months that have 5 Sundays usually have a 5th Sunday Luncheon with free-will donations going to ministry. Luncheons are right after worship.
All Saints Day- The first Sunday in November is reserved to remember our loved ones who have passed.
Easter Services are usually Ash Wednesday,
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday- Tenebrae Service & Easter Sunday
Special Christmas services are Christmas Eve (5pm) and Christmas Eve Candlelight (11:30) with Holy Communion after midnight.
Any special services are announced with plenty of time and information.