We're young, we're old. We're far from perfect and still learning to live more like Jesus. We believe the Lord has brought us together to be more and do more than we can alone. We'd love to share everything we know with you.
400 N. Sam Houston Blvd.
San Benito, TX 78586
(956) 399-2187

New Here?
Welcome, and thank you for visiting First United Methodist Church of San Benito online. We hope that our website highlights the worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
Worship & Hours
Services are held in the main santuary:
Sunday School- 9:15 am meeting with Pastor Melissa Sunday mornings in the Parlor
Worship- 10:30 am on YouTube Live and in the Sanctaury.
Parking: Anywhere around or on the church campus. PLEASE DO NOT park at the laudromat next door. There is a risk of being towed.
Our offices are open with limited hours. Mostly mornings from 10 am - 2 pm. Our offices are located in the 'house-looking' building between the church and the Uniform Etc. store.
Church Based Counselor- by appointment only. Call for info: 956-399-2187.
Help us stay connected with you. Please use the link below to update, add or change any info we may have on file.
Your Giving Makes A Difference
Our goal for apportionments this year is shown in this graphic. These funds allow FUMCSB to not only support missions and ministries at the local district level, but also the state, country and global levels.
Our connectional system gives us the opportunity to be part of a global network of giving and support. For a brief explanation of how our mission shares are used, click on the PDF link below.
...for over 100 years!
First United Methodist Church of San Benito
400 N. Sam Houston Blvd.
San Benito, TX 78586

This Month on the Extra Mile...
March Rail Offering- FUMCSB Emergency Fund
Every month we are given the opportunity to reach out further than we could alone.
100% of this month's Rail Offering will go to...
the FUMCSB Emergency Fund. It is used locally and overseen by Rudy Hyde and Pastor Melissa Nelson. It helps people with fuel, pay partial utilities, for medical needs, for emergency travel expenses . The funds are never in cash but checks made out to the need (i.e. the utility office, taken to gas station and reimburse the member who has paid.
If you choose to give, please designate your gift here online or in church as "March's Rail Offering" or "Emergency Fund". Thank you and God bless.
Scripture for 2025
For God gave us a Spirit not of Fear But of Power and Love and Self Control
2 Timothy 1:7